Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Real Stumble...

Before I started this blog, I read lots (about 15) of different food blogs to see what it was all about. I found this recipe for steamed dumplings that I was extremely excited about. I even went out to buy a steamer just to make this. I figured that I love Chinese food and that it would be even better if I could make it, and I was being healthy with steaming instead of frying! Right? So today I set out to make this dish for my new blog. (To be truthful, I have been planning on posting about this way before I even set up the blog.) I even followed the recipe exactly and thought that the pictures matched up pretty well with what the other blogger posted (except that I used beef instead of turkey). See.

I even worked on presentation. Something that typically never is on the priority list for me at all. There was even homemade sweet and sour sauce involved. Can you tell how excited I was?

You know what? It was awful. I can't remember the last time I made something so awful. As in, I cannot continue eating this monstrosity that took me a ridiculously long time to create. Mike says that he thought it was okay and that he was not eating it out of pity. I am not sure that I believe him. Yes, there is a little bit of bitterness. Mostly because I was so excited to make this and it be wonderful. Maybe I just don't like steamed dumplings. I don't know. If anyone out there tries this recipe, let me know what you think. I don't think it was user error, but maybe it was. Maybe I am adverse to most things healthy and would prefer for this to have been fried. There are too many maybes in this equation right now. Definitely, I am majorly disheartened. But what stumbling chef doesn't have their share of misses? Well, this sure was a miss. What this dish didn't miss, was the trash can. That it hit soundly.

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