Thursday, October 1, 2009

Grams' Apple Pie

I love fall. I love the weather getting crisper and colors warming up all over the trees. It feel like a time of fresh starts and new beginnings (which is strange since everything outside is actually dying). I love fall. I also love the apple season of fall. I haven't made a trip out to Curtis Orchard, but I think I just might actually have some time to enjoy that this weekend. I have, however, had a chance to make apple pie. Mike and I had some friends over last weekend for the Illinois vs. Ohio game, and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to make something I didn't want Mike and I to eat the whole thing.

I really enjoy making my own pie crusts. There's something therapeutic about it for me. I'm not sure why, but the delicate balance between rolling out the dough with strength but not working it too much so that that it stays light relaxes me. It feels good. I'm not sure if I have a much better explanation than that.

This recipe is my Grams's recipe. She was fantastic. Now my mom, my brother, and I make this pie. What's fun about it is that it never comes out the same way twice. It's kind of fun to see what's going to happen. This time it was a pretty decent pie, but next time I will try tweaking it different ways to make it better.

Crust Ingredients

2 1/4 c Flour
3/4 tsp Salt
2/3 c Shortening (I like to use the butter Crisco)
8-10 tbs Cold Water

I've tried a lot of different crusts, but this is the one that I like the best. I found it in Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook.

In a medium bowl mix together the flour and salt. Use a pastry blender to cut in the shortening until pieces are pea-size. Sprinkle in some cold water and fluff/mix with a fork. Keep doing that until all the flour mixture is moistened.

Split the dough in half and roll out on a floured surface until the dough would fit a pie plate. I like to make it as thin as possible.

Filling Ingredients

6-8 Apples cut, cored, sliced
1 c. Sugar
4 tbsp Flour

I just got this amazing apple peeler. This part of the process used to take forever (well actually forever for Mike because I made him). It cut down my time with the apples from 30 minutes to 5 minutes. I was astounded. Once the apples are taken care of, put them into cold water with lemon.

Mix together the rest of the ingredients. You can put the cinnamon and nutmeg in to taste. It really depends on what you like. This is one of the reasons why it is never the same.

Place the crust into the pie plate. Layer in some sugar mixture, apples, sugar mixture, apples, and the rest of the sugar mixture.

IMPORTANT: Before you place the top crust on, dot the top with butter. I tend to love butter, but I would say if you put a whole stick on it might be too much. Trust me, I've tried it.

Put the top crust on, trim and pinch the sides, slit the top, and pour a little bit of milk on top. Make sure to put the pie on an old baking sheet so it can catch the goo that will bubble over.

Bake at 400F for 10 minutes and then 350F for the rest of the time.

Wait a minute.

The rest of the time? What does that mean?

Well, that is what my cookbook from my mom says. It really depends on your oven and the type of apples you choose, but it could be anywhere from 20-50 minutes. Once the crust is bubbling it is finished. You might need to put tin foil over the top so that it doesn't burn.

There you go. Grams' apple pie. I hope it is as delicious as mine is. I also hope it looks prettier. I am not known for making pretty pies, but let me tell you, they taste pretty darn good.

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