Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Photo Envy

I think it's time to face it. They pictures on my blog are maybe almost appetizing, and I have photo envy. Every time I read a new food blog, my mouth can't help but water at the delicious looking food being presented to me. And then I look at my blog. And while I know that the food is good (except for those dumplings...Mike and I still laugh about those...side bar - I actually tried dumplings at a Japanese restaurant this week and it turns out I don't like them. At least those were edible and didn't end up in the trash)...

....I lost my train of thought. Good grief. Food envy. Right.

My food pictures are just not good enough. So I need help. My father-in-law is an avid photographer. Avid as in he has his own backdrops for when prom rolls around and packs multiple cameras when strolling around anywhere to get good pictures. Seriously, we look like tourists in Kansas City. Who tours Kansas City? Anyway - he knows what he's talking about. So I tried to ask him some questions, and let me tell you was he excited to help. The only problem, I get an epistle of photo information that I don't understand. He is way up there, and I am below zero.

Finally, I found White on Rice Couple. This is another food blog that has photo tips. It is the first time someone explained exposure and aperture that I understood. Yay!

So here are my first pictures trying to work with aperture (after it took me forever to figure out how to work it).

Ok, so I still have a lot of work to do, but I think that last one isn't too bad. What I did learn is that I do not have a steady hand. Maybe a tripod is in the future.....

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